Admission & Enrollment Policies




    A.  Admission/Enrollment requirements


         1. The student must meet with the director on campus for an initial interview.


         2. The student must meet all financial obligations in a timely manner.


         3. The student must furnish a current photo identification card and a valid social security card.


         4. A 17 year old student may enroll, with parent/guardian approval and signatures, but that student is not eligible for licensure until the student is 18 years old.


         5. The student must be free of any criminal convictions (*)

               *A student may be ineligible for licensing if he/she has been convicted of, entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, received deferred adjudication to crimes or offenses involving prostitution or sexual offenses; until the fifth anniversary of the date of a conviction for a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a felony; or until the fifth anniversary of the date of a conviction of a violation of the Massage Therapy Act.

          6. Students must pay the enrollment fee and the background check fee in order to hold a seat in the class of their choice. 

Massage School Educational Institute

Financial Steps To Success 

Step 1: Tour the Massage School with the Director

Step 2: Schedule an Enrollment Appointment to Sign Up for Your New Career

Step 3: Pay the Enrollment Fee to Reserve Your Seat in the Class

Step 4: Pay the Background Check Fee

Step 5: On the First Day of Class Pay for Books

Step 6: Monthly Payments are Due on the 1st of Each Month During Class